我 想 圈 住 你 葉 子 啟
I Want to Hold You Yeh Tzu-Chi
HwaHwa Gallery, Beijing 2012
photo last two/Daniela Beltrani
first three/snapshot from video
針對命名「愛與痛」的活動而做的行為。在活動進行當中﹐我悄然躺在觀眾腳下﹐用雙手圈住他/她的腳﹐兩人就這麼共處一段時間﹐直到觀眾抽離雙腳離開我的懷抱為 止。當被圈住的對象/觀眾離去後﹐我便啟身恢復站姿﹐並繼續尋找下一位意欲圈住的對象。
It’s a performance done in an event entitled as Love & Pain. During the event, I walked among the audience and quietly lied down to hold the feet of an audience with my arms. We stayed together in this position for a certain period of time. It ended up when the audience walked away from my “hugs,” and left my surrounding arms empty. Then I stood up again and looked for next audience to hold.