2016年2月19日 星期五

Snezana 在德國重做葉子啟 結髮 現場行為 Hair Tie reenacted in Germany

去年在印尼梭羅的Sebelar Maret大學裡有機會介紹自己的幾個作品,其中也播放了「結髮」的錄像。同行受邀參與第九屆未知疆域國際行為藝術活動Undisclosed Territories 9)的史妮珊娜(Snezana Golubovic)也在觀眾席上。印尼活動結束後,我們再前往下一站新加坡參與第十屆想像的未來國際行為藝術活動Future of Imagination/ FOI 10,在整個活動結束後,在相處近20天,大夥分別之際,史妮珊娜向我提出想要重做我的「結髮」
史妮珊娜和阿布莫維奇同是塞爾維亞人,她曾經擔任後者助理長達三年之久,亦是阿布莫維奇創辦主導的Independent Performance Group (I.P.G.)成員之一,如今則是活躍於當代國際行為藝術現場的藝術家。這對我真是意義非凡!是我從事行為藝術創作15年來的頭一遭!我同意了,並且覺得很榮幸!所以在2016226日,德國法蘭克福 Inside/out 展覽現場,人們將看到史妮珊娜版本的「結髮」

       I had an opportunity to introduce my works in Univ. of Sebelar Maret in SoloIndonesia under the context of Undisclosed Territories International Performance Art Event 9, where I showed, among other things, the video of Hair TieSnezana Golubovic was one of the invited artists and audiences.  After Indonesia, we went on to next stop Future of Imagination International Performance Art Event 10 in Singapore.  After the whole event finished, before we said good-bye Snezana asked me if she could re-enact my Hair Tie!
Snezana, like Abromovic, is a Serbian, and had actually served as assistant of the latter for three years!  She is also a member of Independent Performance Group (I.P.G.) founded and led by Abromovic.  And now she is active in international performance art circle.  How meaningful it is to me!  It’s the first time in my fifteen years of performance art practice!  I agreed and feel honored!  So people are going to see Snezana’s version of Hair Tie in Inside/out Exhibition of Frankfurt, Germany, on Feb. 26th, 2016!
Please go to see if you happen to be in Frankfurt.

Snežana Golubović & Dejan Bućin 
Saskia Niehaus
Erin Kirk
Sandra Mann
Annegret Soltau

Eine Veranstaltung des Frauenreferates der Stadt Frankfurt am Main
Kuratiert von Sonja Müller

Ausstellung 25. Februar bis 2. März 2016
Öffnungszeiten täglich von 14 bis 20 Uhr


Donnerstag 25. Februar 2016
19 Uhr Ausstellungseröffnung
Begrüssung: Gabriele Wenner, Leiterin des Frauenreferates der Stadt Frankfurt
Einführung: Dr. Sonja Müller, Kuratorin

20 Uhr Erin Kirk: Tanzperformance

Freitag 26. Februar 2016
19 Uhr Snežana Golubovic feat. Felix Hammoser
HAIR TIE Performance von Tzu-Chi Yeh (Re-enactment)