葉 子 啟 人卵 vs 動物卵
Yeh, Tzu-chi Human Egg vs. Animal Egg
Kaohsiung, Taiwan 2004
photo: 李青亮 video: 吳志漢
curator: 鄭荷
Kaohsiung, Taiwan 2004
photo: 李青亮 video: 吳志漢
curator: 鄭荷
我請觀眾將蛋打入容器裡﹐我加入蕃茄醬。然後請觀眾餵我蛋汁﹐蛋汁自口溢出流經我懷胎七月的身體﹐最終流到地上碎裂的蛋殼上。然後我拿出一張海報﹐上面寫著「Human Egg vs. Animal Egg」。
I asked audience to break eggs into the jug. Then I added ketchup to it. After that, I asked one of the audiences to feed me with the egg juice. It flew out of my mouth, through my seven-month-pregnant body, to the broken egg shells dispersed on the ground. Finally, I showed a poster that said “Human Egg vs. Animal Egg.”