葉 子 啟 對 話
Yeh Tuz-chi Dialogue
Solo, Indonesia 2010
photo: Afrizal Malna, Jauhari, Akbar Siregar
curator: Melati Suryodarmo
Undisclosed Territories International Performance Art Event
Solo, Indonesia 2010
photo: Afrizal Malna, Jauhari, Akbar Siregar
curator: Melati Suryodarmo
Undisclosed Territories International Performance Art Event
我使用黑布與紅布﹐在一段不短的行走與爬行中與佛陀﹑穆斯林, 小草﹑樹木﹑空氣﹑陽光﹑土地﹑小石頭﹑竹橋﹐和我自己產生對話。最終我爬到當地附有宗教意味的傳統木造涼亭Pendhapa﹐結束長長的「旅程」。
Using the black and red clothes, I had a long journey of dialogue with Buddha, grass, trees, air, sunshine, earth, rubbles, the bamboo bridge, and myself. Finally, I came to the end of long journey: the Pendhapa, a wooden pavilion with local religious elements inside.