2011年11月30日 星期三

詩.死亡.及其他 Poetry, Death, and Others

葉子啟    詩.死亡.及其他    

Yeh Tzu-chi   Poetry, Death, and Others 
   Nove Zamky,  Slovakia   2003

photo:  To'ThLehel



I read a Chinese poem written by me.  Then I went into the niche and shut myself.  I tore the papers that I read just now into pieces and pushed them outward.  The audiences were asked to pick them up and read or say anything they liked.

2011年11月29日 星期二

進與出 In & Out

台南    Tainan Taiwan    2003
photo: 李青亮    video: 杜美華   

台北    Taipei   2003
photo: 陳玲玲   video: Kazuhiro Nishijima   

印尼  梭羅   Solo, Indonesia   2010

photo: Afrizal Malna

curator:  Melati Suryodarmo

Undisclosed Territories

葉 子 啟     進 與 出   

Yeh Tzu-chi     In & Out   


The audience came to join me in an empty space.  When the space was almost full of people, we started to go out of the space one by one.  Everyone had his own manner of coming in and going out.  After all left, the space became empty again.

2011年11月25日 星期五

故鄉/他鄉  M/otherland


葉 子 啟    故 鄉 / 他 鄉

      Yeh Tzu-chi     M/otherland 

      Taipei  2003

photo: 葉子彥    video: Dzugas Katinas  


curator:  王墨林


The audience spread red color on my body.  Then I told the story of colonization and immigration in the history of Taiwan, with the flag of US, clogs of Holland, medical bandage, and leaves.

小鞋舞者 Dancing on a Small Shoe

葉 子 啟    小 鞋 舞 者

Yeh Tzu-Chi    Dancing on a Small Shoe

Tokyo  2002


curator:  Seiji Shimoda
photo:  Victor Lerma


I dressed up with the play things of a little girl after which I danced on her small high heel wooden clogs.  If I fell down to the ground, I would stand up to dance again.  So, fell down, stood up and danced.  Fell down, stood up, and danced.