她 的 故 事 Herstory
葉 子 啟 Yeh TzuChi
Lin Zou/He Nan,China
photo Deniela Beltrani (1,2,6) Zhang LiDan (3,4,5)
Art Now Live Tour : http://blog.artintern.net/article/387439
Curator: Cai Qing
photo Deniela Beltrani (1,2,6) Zhang LiDan (3,4,5)
Art Now Live Tour : http://blog.artintern.net/article/387439
Curator: Cai Qing
在河南安陽的中國文字博物館 裡,我被古老的中國象形文字給震到了。這些象形文字在其擬仿自然/現實世界的圖像外,也傳達了人們的觀念,比方 安 這個字是由一個女在屋頂下構成的,指涉了女人要待在屋裡才安全的觀念!想想看這樣的觀點四千多年來並無多大改變!太驚人了。這些文字給了我靈感,發展出這個現場行為。中國文字博物館裡展示的物件與其展示的方式,正如人類的歷史一樣,充滿了男性觀點。我嘗試用相同的文字來訴說女性觀點的歷史。
I was amazed by the ancient Chinese hieroglyph in
the National Museum of Chinese Writing in An Yang, He Nan Province, China. Besides imitating the natural/real-world
imagery, these picturesque characters also convey people’s concept. The character 安 (meaning safety), for example, puts a woman (女) under the roof, which strongly denotes the
concept that it’s safe for a woman to stay at home. Think of that, people have already developed
such sexist idea since almost four thousand years ago! They gave me some inspiration that develops
into this performance. The objects and
the ways they were shown in the Museum, just like human history, are mainly man
perspectives. As a way of revolt and
questioning, I tried to use the same characters to talk about the women’s