匿 名 的 想 像 Anonymous Imagination
葉 子 啟 Yeh Tzu-Chi
Shin Leh Yuan
Art Space, Taipei, 2013/8/23
林文藻 曾郁萍
This performance echoes the abstract painting by
Lin HuiRu where there are various circles and dripping colors from them. For me, circles represent condensation;
dripping, dispersion. This thought
consists in the inner spirit of my performance.
In this performance I think about objet, color, action, the link between
actions, and the course in the venue more than the meaning itself. Eventually, it might become some abstract
performance echoing the abstract paintings by HuiRu. However, it doesn’t mean that audience couldn’t
find this or that meaning during the process of watching my performance.
林慧如影片 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LuuR1FWexFE&feature=share