2013年7月28日 星期日

犀牛 Rhino

犀 牛   Rhino

  葉 子 啟   Yeh Tzu-Chi

 Seoul Art Space-Mullae, South Korea  2012/11/8 

Photo by Yuen Kin-leung Maru, Zoe Sun

curator:  Jae Seon Moon

Pan Asia Performance Art Network

2011年在重慶動物園裡我錄下三段動物的影片。之後,在仁川駐村時﹐有時間整理自己的小筆電﹐再度看到這三段影片。我想這三段影片擺在一起﹐本身就已經是一件作品了。但如何把我自身與它們結合在一起成為一個現場藝術呢?那時我手邊剛好有一本Marina Abromovic的作品集﹐裡面有一個作品﹐Ulay在牆上﹐她在地上面對面平行走向彼此﹐錯身而過的一個作品。這個作品給了我靈感。我想我就模仿犀牛走圈圈吧﹐這樣就可以把這三段影片帶到現場藝術來。而不管是我錄下影片的當刻﹐是我表演的現場﹐或是在我事後的論述時﹐我的心情始終沒變:身為人類﹐我真得覺得對這些動物很愧咎… 

I recorded three clips of animals in the Zoo of Chung Qing in 2011.  I saw them again when I had time to sort out my note-book in my residency in Incheon Art Platform.  For me, these three clips themselves were already a piece of works!  The problem was how to make them a live performance with me?  At that moment, a book, a collection of Marina Abromovic’s works, happened to be beside me.  One of her works shows how Ulay, on the wall, and her, on the ground, walked to each other in parallel and never really came together….  I got inspired by that works.  Why not just walk in a circle like the rhino, I thought.  And that’s how I brought these three clips to the field of live art.  My feelings have never changed no matter when it’s the moment I videoed them, the moment I performed them, or the moment I talk/write about it later: as a human being, I really feel very sorry and owe so much to these animals….  

2013年7月19日 星期五

匿名的未來感 Anonymous Future

I will perform in the opening of
solo exhibition of Lin Hui-ru
2013/8/24  18:00
And I appreciate Hui-ru's article about
my performance on her blogspot