2014年9月26日 星期五

為 惡 朗 讀 Reading Evil

                                                   Ye YuJun

                            Ye YuJun

                                             Chen Ginton

                            Chen Ginton

為 惡 朗 讀    Reading Evil 

葉 子 啟   Yeh Tzu-chi

Treasure Hill Artist Village, Taipei 


Photo   Chen Gintong,   Ye YuJun

curator:  Liping Ting

請觀眾在紙上寫下心裡黑暗﹐惡毒﹐無恥﹐負面﹐邪惡總之人們無法向他人啟齒的念頭或是過往生命裡的一段經驗 ; 將紙投入一個容器裡﹐然後請另一組觀眾自容器裡抽出一張紙﹐然後朗讀紙上所寫的文字。朗讀聲音同步放送到屋外巷弄裡。最後將所有紙付之一炬。 
A group of viewers were asked to write the dark, vicious, outrageous, negative, evil or whatever difficult to say to others in their mind/life on the paper and threw them into the bowl.  Then another group of viewers took a piece of paper from the bowl, read the text by turns.  The reading voice was broadcast to the outside alleys at the same time.  Finally, I burned all the papers.
People like to talk about the positive, light and love, but forget to deal with the evil side of human nature, or always suppress it. This is not healthy. People should learn to face to it.  This piece is inspired by Zheng Jie who killed passengers on Taipei MRT 2014.